MEEP #Allin4aDebtFreeFuture

The Massachusetts Education Equity Partnership (MEEP) higher education working group has launched #Allin4aDebtFreeFuture, a campaign centering the voices, experiences, and demands of systemically underserved students and families, which includes resources to help raise awareness and take action to improve public higher education affordability and access for all Massachusetts students.

JET, as a member of MEEP’s higher education working group, gives voice to the part-time college students, such as JET scholars, to make sure that their interests and needs are included in new state policies and funding that benefit all post-secondary students.

Massachusetts public colleges and universities can open the door to new opportunities and economic mobility for students from low-income backgrounds, students of color, and first-generation college students. Yet, college affordability is one of our state's most significant barriers to attaining a degree. Consider that students from families earning less than $30,000 annually at a typical Massachusetts state university can expect to pay nearly half their family's income — after grants and loans. But it doesn't have to be that way.

To learn more, view the videos and toolkit, and explore the dashboard, visit:


MassReconnect: Free Community College for Students 25+


Congratulations New JET Scholar Teachers!