Our Statement of Solidarity and Action

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We join in solidarity with the voices forcefully denouncing the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery, who are among so many other Black Americans who died by police brutality. We acknowledge and feel the pain, anger and outrage of the racial injustices that continue to happen unabated in the black community.

We are at a crossroads of moving forward with collective action or letting our current circumstances prevail that hold us back from finding ways to become a more just and humane society. The status quo must be overcome, and we are seeing tremendous energy being put towards accomplishing this goal. So then the question becomes how do we do our part? We have a collective and individual responsibility to fight vigorously against racial injustice.

JET is resolute in working to resolve the inequities of educating children and youth so that all students have the opportunity to achieve success and lead productive, fulfilling adult lives. In schools no one is more important for students than the classroom teacher. It is imperative that students of color have teachers who know them, understand them, reflect their racial and ethnic diversity and serve as representative role models of success.

JET’s collective action is to develop a diverse teacher workforce that benefits and advances the well-being of diverse student populations by working with partner urban school districts to help identify paraprofessionals from diverse backgrounds to become classroom leaders in the public schools. Our staff takes individual action to make sure that any paraprofessional who commits to becoming a teacher has the opportunity and support to succeed. 

We are re-examining, and will continue to re-examine, our beliefs/values with a sharper lens on diversity, equity and inclusion.

We believe Black Lives Matter.

Race should not diminish a child’s right to be nurtured, protected and educated by caring family, professionals and society as a whole. Educators must instill self-worth and foster individual success within their students regardless of race or ethnicity.

We as a society have the responsibility and power to reject racism, fight racial injustice and work towards becoming a just and equitable nation.


Paraprofessionals are Critical to Urban Massachusetts Students, Now More Than Ever


Participant Spotlight: Kendall Junior